The ups and downs of the development of mathematics in France since 1870


22 October, 2019

ILAS - the Interdisciplinary Lab for Advanced Studies is pleased to announce a seminar on history of mathematics, which will take place in SISSA (Via Bonomea 265, Trieste) room 128-129 (1st floor) on October 22 at 10:00:

Speaker: Martin Andler, Professeur émérite
Département et laboratoire de mathématiques (UMR CNRS 8100) - Université de Versailles-St-Quentin

Abstract: Since Viète and Descartes, France has consistently produced first-rate mathematicians. This tends to obscure the fact that French mathematics has gone through bad times as well as good times. Focussing on the last 150 years, the lecture will analyse the different phases of developement of mathematics in France, as well as the complicated relationship between "pure" and "applied" mathematics during that period.